National Poetry Day

For National Poetry day the children performed and analysed the poem ‘On the Move Again’. We looked at how the poem told a story of the different parts of a refugees journey and what they may been thinking/feeling throughout. We then went outside and the children acted out parts of the poem in groups. On Friday afternoon, we got the chance to attend the Virtual Author Event with acclaimed poetry and illustrator duo Nicola Davies and Petr Horáček who shared their new book The Star Whale. We even got a shoutout towards the end of the QandA session where we asked if the poet ever got writers block and how she overcame this.

Active ACES

The children put their hockey skills to the test and played some team games. Earlier this week, children practiced passing, dribbling, shooting and defending the ball. We will slowly build up to larger team games strengthening striking and defending skills. Watch this space!

Our First Week in Year 5

We have had a fabulous first week in 5SV. The children have really settled well and showed so much dedication and excitement towards their learning. Have a look below at the cyclops origami the children created earlier in the week which made them even more excited to delve into our Ancient Greece term topic. We also got together as a class to decide what was important to us and agree on some non-negotiables.

Refugee Week 2023

Today the children have spent time creating pieces of Art to represent parts of a refugees journey. This included facts and visual story telling. Have a look at these stunning pieces of work (which Miss Saeed carried all around school showing them to everyone because she was so proud).

CW, AR, SJ and JC.

Life is better in PJ’s!

What an amazing success our pyjama day was! Everyone across school made such an effort and all for a fantastic cause. The children watched videos and learnt the stories of refugees from real refugees. Their stories helped the children understand the plight of those who seek refuge and those who are settling into their new homes. We saw that a refugees journey does not stop once they have reached our shores but will often go through many more trials until they are fully settled and feeling secure. We finished off by watching a video about human migration over time depicted through story and hand paintings. It showed us how we are all connected and share the same roots. We are an ACE community which strives support those who need it most.

Everything Royalty

The children have loved celebrating the Kings Coronation and spent the day doing different activities relating to it. This included Maths coronation code cracking, checkers, finishing the face artwork, watching short documentaries about the history of coronations and their significance and Blooket quizzes to have a competition to see how remembered the most – it got competitive!

Drawn by Yoshi

You’re a poet and you know it!

The children loved using the poem by Zephaniah to create their own poems about a ‘Recipe for Ace’. Have a read of an extract of Ivy’s comical version.

Recipe for Ace

‘Take a sprinkle of manky nursery children

a teaspoon of berserk reception

a jug full of jazzy juniors

and chuck them all in a blender with toilsome teacher

until finally seasoning with excruciating education