Our learning from this term………

The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the local woodlands where they built dens and explored the area. Here are some pictures of how they got on:

Our topic this term has been Earth and Beyond. We have been exploring the mysteries beyond our own planet. Our learning included a shadow investigation, creating to scale models of the Solar System, a project where children made 3D models, fact files about ‘hidden figures’ in the STEM field and learning about the mysteries of Stonehenge. Here are some pictures of our work!

I wish 5A a Happy Easter! I hope you have lots of fun and a well deserved break 🙂

Native animals…adaptation…urbanisation

Through dance, drawing, platicine, clay, silk painting, collage and construction, 5A captured the beauty and magnitude, resourcefulness and plight of animals native to the United Kingdom as well as both Poles.

The traditional drawing technique of scaling-up was employed on a number of occasions, culminating in life-sized polar creatures.

Our fortnight commenced in the United Kingdom, with 5A choosing native animals to incorporate into their illustrations. These drawings became the inspiration for their clay tiles and silk paintings. Red squirrels, hedgehogs, foxes and owls were popular choices with stags, robins and hares making appearances too.

5A were encouraged to use a viewfinder to select a section of their illustration that they thought would work compositionally. Their clay slabs represented their chosen view. The relief was made by using the skills of cross-hatching and applying slip to attach the clay shape onto the slab. Once dry, they were then painted with acrylics.

For the silks, this view was then scaled-up. Using a pencil and ruler they drew a simple grid (4 x 4) on the image selected and then transferred onto a larger 4 x 4 grid. Working one square at a time, they copied the lines until the animal slowly appeared. Then working with a partner, they made their silk frames by pinning the silk onto the wooden frame so that it was taut. With their scaled-up drawing beneath the silk, they then used gutta to draw the outline of their creatures. The gutta acts as a barrier, so that the silk inks do not bleed into each other when being applied unless a conscious decision. The results were impressive.

The life-sized polar creatures required research on behalf of 5A. What were the measurements of their creature? They then took a simple image of this animal, drew a simple grid over it and transferred onto corrugated card. This card had been cut and assembled together to allow the  length and height measurements of their polar creature to be drawn. A grid on the corrugated card –similar to the process for the silks but much bigger- was then drawn


The polar creatures were decorated with newspaper.  By tearing and cutting the sheets of paper texture was created and definition of the features was made by adding tissue paper. This process required team work and patience. In order to go again the next day, we watched ‘Austin’s Butterfly’. Through constructive critique and descriptive feedback from their peers, each group had areas to work on. The results were fantastic!

Once again, it was wonderful to invite 5A’s parents and interested adults to share in the arts celebration. The following feedback gives you a little insight into how incredible our young people are:

‘I am proud of Sara’s beautiful drawings and her dance. It showed me how much she has gained in confidence and how she is stepping out of her comfort zone.’

‘I am really proud of seeing how much Ezra has engaged with all the learning and how much he has enjoyed it. Some fantastic work and it’s fantastic to see how much he enjoys all aspects of arts fortnight. It’s something he always looks forward to.’

‘It was really good to see or witness what kids do and learn at school 🙂 especially art work!! Amazing.’

‘I have found how much Jayden’s imagination has come on. A very happy boy. The children seem happy with each other. Fantastic work. Well done.’

‘I am very impressed with how confident she was throughout the performance.’

‘Emily’s art work is full of expression. I can tell how much she has enjoyed completing it.’

‘I am proud of how Riya and her class have pushed themselves creatively.’

Meeting a real-life Arctic explorer

We have had a fantastic week in 5A this week! The children have been building up our toolkit for writing explanation texts as they work towards their goal of creating their own about how animals survive in the harsh conditions of the poles.

In order to help us gain a bit more insight into what life is like there we had the opportunity to talk to someone who has made several scientific expeditions to the Arctic! The children were all fascinated to learn about the amount of equipment required in order to survive the trip, and everything someone would need to do in order to survive those conditions. Our visiting explorer was kind enough to pass around some of his equipment for everyone to see first hand, and the children all enjoyed trying on the big thick boots and coat. Harris was even lucky enough to be pulled across the classroom in a sled!

Pole to pole, and beyond!

We are well underway in 5A in our current topic ‘Pole to Pole’ this half term and starting to understand more about what life is like in the Arctic and Antarctica. We have previously cast ourselves back to 1914 when Ernest Shackleton set sail on his pioneering expedition. This week, we have looked to the present day and found out what life is like at McMurdo research station in Antarctica. The children were all very interested to find out how people lived there and that, despite the harsh conditions present, there were similarities to how we live back in Leeds.

During science we began to look beyond our planet and out into our solar system. We went on to the playground and used fruit to show the relative positions of each of the planets and the sun and their distance from each other. This helped to improve our perception of the scale of the solar system, and the relative size difference between each of the planets within it.

5A collaborative maths

We have had a really focused week back and here are some examples of how we work together in mathematics. Talk partners are encouraged to work on examples together, this helps develop mathematical vocabulary and enables misconceptions to be addressed.

Children utilise their whiteboards/whiteboard tables to model and write steps to success so we can apply a clear method when working independently.


We have loved getting involved with anti-bullying week this week and have learnt about the consequences of using ‘banter.’ The children were able to remember their previous learning and build upon this to deepen their understanding of how to stand up to bullies and to ensure that school is a safe place for all. The children then applied their knowledge to creating posters and sharing these at our anti-bullying picket. Take a look below!


As the film premiere date approaches, we have continued to film all things Macbeth in Year 5. We have not only filmed off sight, but have learnt a dance with the special help of Miss Allison. The children have loved the different location shots and have been really supportive of their peers as they have filmed various scenes. The banquet scene with all 90 children is a definite highlight from this week and we can’t wait to share all we have done with you on the 24th November. If you are a parent or career of a Year 5 child please check emails about the timetable for the film premiere release.

Take a look below for a sneak peak of what we have been up to!


As the film premiere date approaches, we have continued to film all things Macbeth in Year 5. We have not only filmed off sight, but have learnt a dance with the special help of Miss Allison. The children have loved the different location shots and have been really supportive of their peers as they have filmed various scenes. The banquet scene with all 90 children is a definite highlight from this week and we can’t wait to share all we have done with you on the 24th November. If you are a parent or career of a Year 5 child please check emails about the timetable for the film premiere release.

Take a look below for a sneak peak of what we have been up to!


This week, we begun filming for our film production of Macbeth, we have done this in the school grounds and have even been lucky enough to go to Kirkstall Abbey to film on location. We will be finishing filming in the first week back after half term and will even visit a local heath to add to the setting of our production. We can’t wait to share all our work with you, but until then…. take a look at a sneak preview.
