WC 16.05.22

Our Incredibles for this week!!

This half term our topic Strangers or Neighbours has focused on looking at refugees and activism. Across Year 5, we have started an appeal for the Ukrainian refugees (more details can be found on this weeks ParentMail and the newsletter) to help with the crisis. Children answered our Big Question – What makes an activist?

We spoke about notable activists such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Greta Thunberg, Malala and their specific causes. The children agreed that activists have played and continue to play a vital role in being the voice for the voiceless

‘The qualities and activist must have are integrity and determination for whatever it could be that they’re fighting for! Confidence, bravery and resilience is also needed. An activist’s work is vital because they combat helplessness and hopelessness, they stand up for people being mistreated and those suffering.’

Harry Holmes, 5A

We had a faith assembly where we learned about love and how we should make a concerted effort to spread love in the world.
Macy W has begun creating an Egyptian fact file and added a fabulous 3D element by constructing a pyramid.

Lovin’ the Egyptians…..

During 5A library time we went on a fact finding mission to see if we could find a fact we/or the class had never heard before. The children used the history section and our class books to become ACE historians. ‘Did you know women were treated very well in Ancient Egypt compared to other societies at the time? They could leave to go shopping without having to tell their husbands (often seen as the head of the household and in charge), they could own property and enjoyed the same rights under law compared to men’ Riya Bhambra –
Here 5A were working on listening and following the beat. They had the chance to play along to a fun game, really testing their skills as the tempo increased.

Incredibles………Sports………..Writing……….Special Visit

Our Incredibles this week are……..

Harry – For his contribution to our parachute investigation in Science. Harry compared different ways a paper fell to the ground and compared them by recording results in a table. He then looked at the forces which may have been acting upon them.

Sara – For good use of her reasoning skills in Math when looking at decimals

Niamh – For amazing effort and determination in her learning this across all subjects but particularly Maths

Ellias – For his continued effort to improve his writing and always focusing on what he can do to make it better.

We had a special visit from a very special visitor to talk to us about everything guide dogs. We learned about why people may need them, why the are so important and how they are trained. The children were very happy when it came to petting time.
The children were learning how to strengthen themselves as a team as they raced against each other. The weather was beautiful and the 5A thoroughly enjoyed being outside.
Our writing focus at the moment is persuasive writing. Today we wrote the introduction to our letter persuading Mrs. Stott to help us raise awareness for refugees across the world. Riya has included modal verbs, emotive language, personal appeal/collectives nouns and a rhetorical question to make her reader listen to her.

This week!

Our Incredibles this week………

Harrison – For his fabulous input during our Science lesson on our Forces Topic and for his determination and effort in participating for the Spelling Bee.

Shi Ying and Sophia – For using fantastic modal verbs and emotive language in their persuasive short burst write.

Ezra – For always going above and beyond when it comes to helping his peers.

In music we were exploring ternary form, sometimes called song form, a three-part musical form consisting of an opening section, a following section and then a repetition of the first section.

Our Google classroom code is:

For more information about our learning from this week, please see the Parentmail!

Have a great weekend!

Our learning from this term………

The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the local woodlands where they built dens and explored the area. Here are some pictures of how they got on:

Our topic this term has been Earth and Beyond. We have been exploring the mysteries beyond our own planet. Our learning included a shadow investigation, creating to scale models of the Solar System, a project where children made 3D models, fact files about ‘hidden figures’ in the STEM field and learning about the mysteries of Stonehenge. Here are some pictures of our work!

I wish 5A a Happy Easter! I hope you have lots of fun and a well deserved break 🙂