Hello 5S! Hello World!


Welcome to class 5S at Allerton CE Primary School in Leeds. Here, under the careful guidance of Miss Saeed and Mr van Loo, we will blog to the Big Wide World.

If you use our blog please make sure that you read the Blog Rules and that all your posts are respectful.

Happy Blogging!

Miss Saeed

Mr van Loo

Royal Armouries

The children thoroughly enjoyed visiting the Royal Armouries Museum today. They had the chance to use weaponary from centuries ago to become great Spartan warriors, to scale sizes of animals used in battle, a live demonstration of sharp weapons used over the ages. The trip complemented our unit this half term, Ancient Greece, beautifully. The children acted out the story of Perseus and Medusa in an immersive and comical workshop. Have a look at some pictures we took of the day!


5LS Arts Fortnight: A Creative Journey

What a fantastic two weeks we’ve had in 5LS! Our recent Arts Fortnight has been a whirlwind of creativity and imagination. Inspired by the Greek myth of Prometheus, we’ve been exploring the world of art and storytelling in the most exciting way.

Modroc Marvels and Clay Creations

The highlight of our fortnight was undoubtedly our time in the art studio. Armed with modroc, paint, and a whole lot of enthusiasm, we set about creating our very own modroc torches. These fiery masterpieces were inspired by the Prometheus myth and turned out to be even more impressive than we could have imagined!

To complement our torches, we also had a go at making clay pots. These ancient-looking vessels were perfect for storing our imaginary treasures and added another layer of authenticity to our mythological world.

Writing and Performing

Alongside our artistic endeavors, we’ve also been delving into the world of storytelling. We’ve been exploring the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur and have been writing descriptive pieces that capture the excitement and drama of the story.

Our class dance with Miss Patchett was a fantastic way to bring another myth to life. We acted out the story of Icarus, soaring through the skies on wings of wax, before falling tragically to the sea. It was a truly memorable experience and a great way to learn about Greek mythology in a fun and interactive way.

Overall, our Arts Fortnight has been a huge success. We’ve had a blast exploring the world of art, storytelling, and Greek mythology. We’re so proud of everything we’ve achieved and can’t wait to see what other creative adventures await us in the future!

Move Over Van Gogh

This week the children have dived in to the world of Art and have had a blast. Alongside learning a new dance to share with parents next week they have become ACE Sculptors. We carefully observed Mrs Elliot cross hatching and securing each line of clay before smoothing it out. Take a look at Dominik and Dylan’s Greek pot…..ACE.


Our first blog post, here we go…….5LS has had a fantastic start to year 5 and we couldn’t be more proud of the way they have settled in! In this picture you can see a collaborative piece of work where the children have created a scene from greek myth, Icarus. The children worked together and decided who was going to draw which part of the scene and learnt how best to use each others strengths.